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GM’s Speech – Grand Festival 2013

Grand Master's Speech At Grand Festival 2013
On Saturday 23rd November At Mumbai

M. W. The Past Grand Masters, R.W. the Regional Grand Masters, visiting dignitaries and representatives from foreign Grand Lodges, R.W. Brethren, V.W. Brethren and Brethren all. A very warm welcome to this Grand Festival 2013 of the Grand Lodge of India in the city of Mumbai. I am just informed by the organizing Secretary that the registrations for this Grand Festival is 777. Very auspicious number. Triple perfection.

As we always begin our Masonic proceedings with a prayer, I wish to begin my address with two shlokas from the Holy Scripture Shrimad Bhagwad Gita.

“Prakrutaiya Kriyamnani Gunaih Karmani Sarvasha, Ahankar Vimudhatma Karta Aham iti Manyate” meaning “Whatever that is happening around us is manifestation of the primordial nature. A man deluded by ego thinks he is the doer.”  And the second is. “Yat Karoshi, yat juhosi, yat ashnasi, dadasi yet, yat tapasyasi kounteya, Tad Kurushwa Mad arpanam” meaning “Whatever you do , whatever you give, whatever you eat , whatever you offer as oblations to the fire, whatever you meditate upon, O Son of Kunti, ultimately it all comes to me.”

Martin Luther King Junior made a statement some 50 years ago, “Everyone can be great because everyone can serve.”  The responsibility of the office of the Grand Master is taken by me in the spirit of service to the institution and service to humanity through the institution.

The Grand Master of the Universe has entrusted to us the principles of Masonry as working tools. They, too, are not ours, they belong to the lodge of the world. We are to use them that He may have pleasure and the Craft of humanity that labors in this wide lodge of the world may profit thereby.

For any organization and especially a non-profit organization what is growth and what are the parameters of growth. Let us analyze how we fared in the last one year. In April 2013 a new Craft Lodge was consecrated in the Eastern Region after a long time. Lodge Dr. P.C. Chunder No. 378. This consecration proved to be auspicious. It paved way for series of consecrations during the days that followed and during last seven months there have been 23 more consecrations means 24 new additions to the family. In the craft, there is an addition of 7 craft lodges, 2 in Southern Region and 4 in Northern Region.  In Chapter, 4 in the West, 3 in South and 1 in North thereby adding 8 new chapters. In Mark, 2 in West, 2 in North and 2 in South, thereby making 6 new Mark Lodges. In RAM, there are 3 additions, 2 in South and 1 in North. Western Region in the month of August consecrated 5 new bodies, 3 Chapter and 2 Mark Lodges. Untiring efforts of R.W. Bro. Sarosh Dordi and W. Bro. Tarun Srivastav of Nagpur and their team need special mention and appreciation. I appeal to all Master Masons who have not yet joined the higher degrees , to first become Companions in Chapter, then get advanced as Mark Master Masons and be elevated as Royal Arch Mariners in that order. This is the order of Masonic education that you must follow. After joining these higher degrees, you a free to join any other Masonic order of your choice. Go Step by step not orbit to orbit.

In January 2013, at Pathinamthitha, the base town for the holy shrine of Shabrimala, the foundation stone ceremony for a new Masonic temple was conducted. Lodge Shabridesam was consecrated on 30.12.2011 for Pathinamthitha and the brethren within the first year of its formation embarked upon the task of constructing a new Masonic Temple and the Masonic temple is now complete and the temple dedication is now scheduled for 5th January 2014. Thus the brethren of Lodge Shabridesam have kept up the promise made to their Regional Grand Master to complete the construction of the Masonic temple before the end of his term. One more foundation stone laying ceremony for a Masonic Hospital at Kanyakumari was conducted on 31st August 2013 and you will be amazed to know that the inauguration of the Hospital is scheduled for 4th January, 2014 at Kanyakumari. Within four months the construction of the Masonic Hospital shall be complete.

Earlier, on 1st June, 2013 history was made in the Western region. The First ever Foundation stone laying ceremony for a proposed Masonic temple in Western Region was conducted in Surat. The Regional Grand Master himself is a renowned Architect by profession and looking at the model design of the Masonic temple and its location leaves no doubt that the Masonic Temple shall in times to come be a monument for Surat and the Surtis.

Another foundation stone laying ceremony was conducted in Patiala in the Northern Region for the centenary block of Lodge Phulkian No. 94.  Thus in past 10 months four foundation stone laying ceremonies have been conducted.  On 20 different occasions presentation of 50/60 years LTSJ was conducted in the past 12 months. 9 in Northern Region, 5 each in Southern and Eastern Region and 1 in the Western Region. Three centennial celebrations and two sesquicentennial celebrations were conducted in the Southern Region and one 125 years celebration was done in the Northern Region. 8 Lodges invited the Grand Master for their Golden Jubilee celebrations. Divine Service was conducted twice, one in Southern Region and one in Northern Region. There have been six Masonic seminars during the year. 3 in West, 2 in South and 1 in East.

The Four Regional Grand Lodges had their annual installation meetings in February/March. Western Region opened the innings on 8th February, 2013 with Golden Jubilee celebrations. The Regional Grand Master R.W. Bro. Zawareh Wadia felicitated all the Past Regional Grand Masters of and Past Grand Masters from the Region.

On 16th February, 2013 R.W. Bro. Harcharansingh Ranauta from Chandigarh was installed as the new Regional Grand Master of the Regional Grand Lodge of Northern India amidst a largely attended gathering. All the Past Grand Masters of Grand Lodge of India graced the occasion with their august presence. Grand Lodge of India now has four Regional Grand Masters professing different religions.  The RGM of northern region taking his oath of obligation on Guru Granth Saheb. In the southern region we have an RGM taking oath on Holy Bible, in Western region we have an RGM taking oath on Zend Avestha and in eastern region an RGM taking oath on Shrimad Bhagvad Gita. This is unique in the history of Grand Lodge of India with four different RGM’s taking oath on different volumes of Sacred Laws.

Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India had its annual investiture meeting of Craft, Chapter and Mark on 23rd and 24th February 2013. As usual a large gathering of Masons with families assembled in the salubrious surroundings of Mysore and enjoyed the hospitality.  On 2nd and 3rd of March  the Eastern Region celebrated its annual investiture meeting at Ranchi , capital of the state of Jharkhand, a state where under the ground you have minerals in abundance; above the ground , the rich soil of Jharkhand plains give bountiful crops. The wealth this state holds in terms of minerals, forest and herbal products is astounding and it is famous also for its industrious people. Thus this state has all the wealth needed. It is a land waiting for transformation to occur.

Months of August and September were for the Regions half yearly meetings. All the four Regional Meetings were organized with great fanfare and enthusiasm.

Eastern Region held its meeting under the backdrop of Gorkhaland agitation and successfully conducted the event in difficult circumstances. Regional Grand Master and his team deserve special praise. Western Region celebrated its special meeting in the city of Vadodara. A well planned and meticulously organized meeting.

History was made in Kanyakumari on 31st August 2013 when to commemorate his 150th birth anniversary a statue of Swami Vivekananda in Masonic Regalia at the famous Vivekananda Kendra at Kanyakumari was unveiled by Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Hon’ble HRD Minister of State, Government of India. Now the daily stream of thousands of visitors to Vivekananda Center shall know that Swami Vivekananda was a Freemason. What was till now only in Masonic domain is now in public domain. That casts tremendous responsibility on us Freemasons.

Northern Region had their half yearly meeting in Srinagar. This meeting was a treatise on event management. A contingent of 500 delegates and about 250 ladies witnessed an orderly extravaganza for three days. The highlight was one day picnic to Sonmarg amidst heavenly ambiance.  Visit to the Masonic temple in Gupkar Street in Srinagar was a dream come true. Gupkar Street is the ultimate high security area housing the residents of the Governor and Chief Minister of J&K and in between the two palatial abodes is the Masonic temple which at present is under occupation of the Intelligence bureau Chief. The security forces have maintained the heritage Masonic temple in its pristine state and the temple hall is not used for any official purpose. It was a great joy for the 20 member team including the RGM and the Past Grand Master M.W.Bro. Udeshi and all our family members to be in the temple and appreciate the antique furniture, piano, ballot box and partake the hospitality of the IB Chief. How R.W. Bro. Harcharansingh Ranauta managed the visit of the Masonic temple in the most high risk area in Srinagar shall always remain an enigma riddled in mystery. For me it was a dream come true.

I extend my warm greetings and profound appreciation to the Regional Grand Masters and their team for the professional manner in which all the four Regional meetings were organized.

My special compliments to Lodge Vishwakarma No. 173 of Ludhiana in the Northern Region for the brilliant and unique project for the care of children of women prisoners. The project was inaugurated in the presence of DIG (Prison) of the State of Punjab and he profusely complimented the Masonic fraternity of Ludhiana for this noble gesture and expressed willingness to co-operate in full measure for the spread of this project in all other jails in the state and country.

A two day residential leadership development programme for active officers brilliantly conceived, planned and executed by the team of R.W. Bro. Bharat Epur, V.W.Bro. Sharad Chaudhary ably supported by the Grand Secretary held in the serene campus of ICRISAT at Secunderabad in October 2013. A live video telecast and interaction with the celebrity author Robert Lumas  was arranged as part of Bhagyanagar Masters Lodge lecture series during the concluding session of the programme.

Our Deputy Grand Master R.W. Bro. Dr. P.K. Muthukumaraswamy a leading oncologist from Madurai has conceived a project for care and compassion for the children with cancer, an initiative of the Grand Lodge of India. He has formulated and devised the operation plan which has been accepted by the Grand Board of General Purposes and shall be the new pilot project of the Grand Lodge of India along with Jyotirgamaya which is continuing. R.W. Bro. Amalsadvala and V.W. Bro. Ramnathan have already initiated this project in Mumbai.

All in all a joyous and a rewarding year having had the privilege, honor and opportunity to attend 106 meetings in the first year of my tenure. 38 in the Northern Region, 33 in the Southern, 21 in the West and 14 in East. Brethren, these are all meetings where the presence of Grand Master along with Deputation is required such as consecrations, Foundation Stone, Divine Service, 50 years and more LTSJ presentations and Regional meetings.

All this has been possible because of creativity of the Governing team. The four Regional Grand Masters, Deputy Grand Masters R.W. Bro. Dr. P.K. Muthukumaraswamy in Craft and R. W. Bro. Major Raja in Mark, Assistant Grand Master R.W. Bro. Swadesh Bhargav and M.E. Comp. S.R. Pai in Chapter; A special mention of the efforts taken by the Asst. Grand Master Swadesh Bhargava in perusing each and every summons, interacting with the Lodge Secretaries in case of any discrepancies and making meaningful suggestions for improving the quality of the Lodge summons.  The Grand Secretary R.W. Bro. B. Kamakoti OSM., Leaving the comforts of a large house in Chennai and opting to stay in 10X8 room in the GLI office on as many occasions at a stretch to attend to his duties as Grand Secretary during past four years; the visits I make to various centres, the entire planning is by him. I received the bouquets at airports and railway stations from brethren, the hard work behind the scene is his. I thank you R.W. Bro. Kamakoti for the excellent support extended by you during the year. Grand Treasurer R.W. Bro. B. K. Raizada possibly a brother who has probably spend the longest term as Grand Treasurer in the history of Grand Lodge of India.  Grand Registrar R. W. Bro. Ramasamy, inspite of health deterrents has been proactively assisting the Secretariat at all times with solutions within the framework of our revered Book of Constitution and yes the President of the Board R. W. Bro. Varanasi Narsimham OSM. All the 5 board Meetings were conducted smoothly under his president ship. I am indeed fortunate to have such plethora of talent exhibiting a classic example of ‘team creativity’.

Oration by the Grand Chaplin is always the hallmark of the consecration ceremonies. I have heard some of the brilliant thought provoking orations from the Grand Chaplin in Craft R.W. Bro. Keshav Rao and R.W. Bro. Puneet Sohal in Mark and M.E. Comp. S.R. Pai in Chapter.

I wish to record my deep sense of appreciation to all the past Grand Masters and especially M.W. Bro. Dilip Udeshi as Chairman of the Constitution committee. M.W. Bro. Justice Devinder Gupta as Chairman of Foreign Relations Committee and M.W. Bro. Dr. Biswakumar Chairman of the Protocol Committee. I also thank R.W. Bro. Rajeev Khandelwal, Chairman of the Finance Committee especially for offering his assistance and support to the Grand Treasurer as and when called for. I thank all the presiding officers and members of the appeals court and the staff members of the Grand Lodge Secretariat especially the Asst. Grand Secretary R.W. Bro. Anup Kumar.

The organizing Committee under the astute leadership of R.W. Bro. Zawareh Wadia initiated the planning process from March 2013 itself. R.W. Bro. Amalsadvala was entrusted the task of Organising Secretary attending to the systems and logistics on a day to day basis. Mehli Amalsadvala has worked very hard during past 8 months and meticulously and rigorously carried out the instructions of his Regional Grand Master. He even postponed a major surgery of his wife beyond the Grand Festival, however this month there was emergency and the surgery had to be done. Inspite of the trying circumstances R.W. Bro, Maheli continued to perform the allotted task. I call upon you my brethren to give a special round of applause to R.W. Bro. Amalsadvala for his sustained and dedicated efforts.

R.W. Bro. Adi Vakil as the principal Convener has successfully done the balancing act of attending to the high demand of the Office of Grand Director of Ceremonies as well attending to more than 100 meetings during the year. Both these brethren have marked well.

I thank R.W. Bro. Meher Gimi, The Regional Grand Secretary for his timely assistance.

The Chairman of various Committees with their team members have been handling their respective portfolios in a professional manner. The Transport and Reception Committee has taken good care of the outstation brethren and this young team lead by W. Bro. Clarence Thorne proved beyond doubt that Mumbai fraternity is a good host. A profound appreciation for the Temple Committee comprising of R.W. Bro. Saifee Nasrulla , R. W. Bro. Rangwala and R.W. Bro. Jal Thanawala for the excellent manner in which they have set up the temple as also the music arrangements. The ladies I am informed are particularly happy with the gifts and mementos provided. Special thanks to Mrs. Heena Udeshi, Founder Chairperson of the Association of Masonic Ladies for her efforts in procuring and choosing the right mementos for the occasion. A word of appreciation also for the President Mrs. Hasina Nasrulla and her team.

There has been a stream of providential blessing in the form of support from various centres. R.W. Bro. Ranauta, Regional Grand Master of Northern India sponsored almost 90% of fellowship expense on all three days. R.W. Bro. Suryanarayan Rao from Chennai gave donation of Rupees One Lakh. W. Bro. Suhas Bhand of Navi Mumbai offered to sponsor the cost of Souvenir. The Regional Grand Lodge of Northern India sponsored the entire cost of Coffee Table Book for the Holy Royal Arch Chapter Golden Jubilee Celebrations. Brethren have raked in large number of advertisements. The Grand Secretary R.W. Bro. Kamakoti has been instrumental in procuring some high price advertisements. And above all a big thank you to all you brethren who make up the M.W. Grand Lodge of Ancient and Free and accepted Masons of India.

R.W. Bro. Zawareh Wadia you have endeared yourself to the brethren of this Region by your affectionate demeanor. I am sure they are all beholden to you.

T. E.  Lawrence of Lawrence of Arabia wrote and I quote, “All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night wake in the day to find that it was vanity. But there are some who are day dreamers, who dream with their eyes open to make things happen.” We have a day dreamer in R.W.  Bro. Harcharansingh   Ranauta. R. W. the Regional Grand Master of Northern India.

The moment of choice has arrived. A time to choose new leaders from the options available. The office of the regional Grand Master is becoming more and more demanding. Only those who are or have been a Regional Grand Master know the travails of the office, the sacrifice that the office demands and mind you the brickbats even for an accomplished leader can be more than the bouquets. A singular achievement of R.W. Bro. Raja Mookerjee to my mind is identifying potential future leaders, grooming them and creating a working team who may in the near future be able to harness the transformation that I talked about earlier. I have chosen a brother who has travelled through the length and breadth of the Eastern region as the active Asst. Regional Grand Master under the present Regional Grand Master and spreading and creating awareness for Masonic education in this region. I have chosen R. W. Bro. Bharat Epur to be the new Regional Grand Master of Regional Grand Lodge of Eastern India.

Only Mrs. Premi and R.W. Bro. Pandurangan are able to keep track and aware of the whirlwind tours and travels of the Regional Grand Master of Southern India. He has already lined up programmes for me till 31st January, 2014 The 45 Assistant Regional Grand Masters that have worked with him over the past three years can vouch for the quality of  leadership that R.W. Bro. Ratnaraj Sushil Raj exhibits.. It is not easy to keep pace with this Regional Grand Master. I have chosen R. W. Bro. Arvind Chitra the present Deputy Regional Grand Master to take the baton of leadership for the Southern Region. My profound greetings to the new Regional Grand Master designates and may they excel and bring about prosperity for the respective regions in thoughts and deeds.

"LIFE is Flowing like a River, With Unexpected TURNS, May be GOOD, May be BAD...
Learn to enjoy Each Turn because, these Turns... Never RE-TURN."

In our life too, there are MOMENTS of CHOICE when we all have to deal with negative thoughts from all sides. Some thoughts are so powerful they overcome us, overwhelm us and make us clueless.

In future, may you always be inspired to have a focused positive insight, oblivious of all imaginary, negative probabilities.
What Freemasonry has given me, what brotherhood has given me? I say,

“You have given me brotherhood towards the man I do not know;
You have given me the added strength of all those living (in brotherhood);
You showed me how one man’s pain could die in the victory of all;
You have made me indestructible, for I no longer end in myself.”

Vasudev Masurekar

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