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RGLSI Speech

Grand Masters Speech At The Annual Installation Meeting Of Regional Grand Lodge Of Southern India At Vaizag
On 15Th March 2014

A glorious term of the Regional Grand Master is about to conclude and R.W. Bro. Retnaraj Sushil Raj has every reason to feel profoundly happy and contented. He ruled with an absolute belief in the maxim, “To reign sovereign in the hearts and affections of men is far more gratifying to a generous and benevolent mind than to rule over their lives and fortunes.”

What a glorious innings. Addition of 30 new bodies to the family of Grand Lodge of India. 7 Craft Lodges, 7 Chapters, 6 Mark Lodges and 10 Royal Arch Mariners Lodges. Has attended more than 400 meetings in different part of his region. Presented 617 Long Term Service jewels. 387 in Craft, 113 in Chapter, 82 in Mark and 35 in RAM. Such records do not happen by chance or position. Leadership is action not position.

The foundation stone for all good leaders is to have enormous belief in their team and each and every one of the 45 Asst. Regional Grand Masters who have worked with him will vouch for his leadership qualities It is said: a good leader is one whom people revere; a great leader is one of who people say “we did it together”. His ARGM’s proudly declared “We did it together” and the bottom line was “There is no limit to what can be accomplished if it does not matter who gets the credit.”  A new idea almost invariably comes from an individual. But it takes a team to turn it into something really useful. The Japanese Economy has been transformed by the practical application of that concept. As individuals the Japanese are not noted for their creativity. But in groups the Japanese have shown themselves to be remarkably innovative. Indeed Japanese culture especially its education system, has traditionally played down individuality. ‘If a nail stands up, it will be hammered down,’ declares a Japanese proverb bluntly.

A Glowing and a shining baton is handed over to the  new leader R.W. Bro. Arvind Prasad Chitra, who I am sure will continue the good work with skill and assiduity.

One of our Masonic rituals state that “from the experiences of the past, the present receives its wisdom and it is upon wisdom that Freemasonry builds each and every laudable enterprise.”

I present to you certain pearls of wisdom, from the speeches of our past Grand Masters.

The First Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of India His Highness the Nawab of Rampur M.W. Bro. Sir Sayed Raza Ali Khan said in his inaugural speech at the formation of the Grand Lodge of India, and I quote, “I must ask you to consider yourselves the custodians of the honor and reputation of the Craft and in particular of this Grand Lodge. It is our duty to act that our lives and conduct reflect nothing but credit to Freemasonry and on this note I give you all Godspeed.”

M.W. Bro. Bhogilal Shah on the Completion of the First year of the formation of the Grand Lodge of India said, “By nature, temperament, training and tradition, every Indian is a good man and true, and is therefore a Masonic potential. For our own inertia and inactivity, lack of interest or enthusiasm, or even anxiety and selfishness to preserve ourselves in positions of honor and authority, let us not take umbrage under the off quoted phrase ‘Quality not Quantity’.”

M.W. Bro. Prof. M.S. Thacker at the 10th Anniversary of Grand Lodge of India, “I am but a drop in the ocean of Freemasonry. If that little drop is removed from that ocean it simply evaporates. It loses its identity but that little drop in the ocean is a part of the mighty ocean and is respected as such. Likewise it shall be my Endeavour to be with you and be part and parcel with you in the ocean of Freemasonry to which you and I belong.”

M.W. Bro. Justice Veeraswamy at his installation as Grand Master in Madras on 28.12.74, said in his inaugural speech, “I am keen and anxious that our Lodges should do all they can to identify themselves more and more closely with the progress and welfare of the community around them. In particular they might visit the sick and needy from time to time either individually or as a group and give them the health and cheer they so badly need.”

M.W. Bro. Justice Dinshaw Madan on the 20th Anniversary of the Grand Lodge said, “I shall invariably believe to the end in the unity of the Grand Lodge of India because without unity there is no brotherly love but hatred and division amongst brethren.  Without unity there is no relief, there is only distress and destruction. Without unity there is no truth but only untruth. Brethren, inside this room there is the light and warmth of Freemasonry. Outside, the shadows of night have fallen and the chill of the night is creeping in.  Do you want the light of Freemasonry or the darkness of non-masonry? As we enter our 20th year, I give this motto which every brother should always bear in mind-‘The Grand Lodge of India, one indivisible and invincible.”

It is famously said, “What we learn from history is that we never learn anything from history and thus history repeats itself.”

Now see what M.W. Bro. Sitaram Jaipuria said 30 years ago in his address at Calcutta in January 1984.  “Brethren it has been noticed in the recent past that certain brethren have made a practice to widely circulate copies of their communications rather than restricting them to the concerned authorities for proper consideration. The brethren will appreciate that the spirit of communication becomes suspect on wide circulation of it even before it is taken up officially for consideration. Such a practice undermines the dignity of the Grand Lodge and also exposes it to loose talks and irresponsible remarks on matters requiring serious consideration. While it is important to carefully consider views of each and every brother it is highly improper for any brother especially the senior members of the Grand Lodge to widely circulate copies of their communications instead of helping the constitutional functionaries in acting properly. Ours is a democratic institution but not a political one. Wide circulations of communication introduces politics in our institution which needs to be avoided. Bear in mind that our constitution provides for remedy and redress of grievances against every decision and action except of course in case of demand for appointments and ranks.”

Allow me to run through the functioning of the Grand Lodge of India in the last 15 months. Addition of 34 to the family of the Grand Lodge of India. 11 Craft Lodges, 10 Chapters, 7 mark lodges and 6 Royal Arch Mariner Lodges. Foundation stone ceremonies for Masonic temples conducted at four different places in the country.  2 in North, 1 in West and 1 in South. I visited 26 different places in the country for presenting 50 and 60 years long term service jewels. 11 visits in northern region, 6 in southern region, 1 in western region and 8 in the Eastern Region. Out of the 8 in Eastern Region, I must point out that 3 visits at 3 different places for presentation of LTSJ are made within the first fortnight after taking over the office as a Regional Grand Master by R.W. Bro. Bharat Epur.

Proceeding onwards, 4 centennial and two sesquicentennial celebrations were conducted in the Southern Region during the year. 10 Lodges, conducted the Golden Jubilee celebrations in the presence of the Deputation of the Grand Lodge of India.

As your Grand Master and the current Captain in the cockpit of this glorious aircraft aptly named the Grand Lodge let me assure you that the aircraft is completely Air worthy and safe in all respects. You all are a part of this noble mission launched in the name of brotherhood and shall continue to cruise safely and go places. May the Most High continue to shower his blessing on us all and our Craft.

Vasudev Masurekar

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