Speech Of The First Grand Principal At The Annual Convocation Of Supreme Grand Chapter Of India
On Sunday 23rd November 2014
I welcome you all to this annual convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter of India. I am delighted to find such high attendance on Sunday morning despite the late Saturday night dual celebrations for the new Grand Master elect as also the new Regional Grand Master designate of Western India.
Once a friend came to see Picasso. This friend was a military officer. He was on a vacation and they were meeting after a long time. Picasso was busy in his studio and he ushered him in to have a look at his work of art. After taking a round the army man exclaimed, “What nonsense! Everything is unreal. Not even a single painting represents reality.” Picasso listened quietly. His friend was a soldier, cannot expect a soldier to understand symbolism. Picasso said to himself. Later, the army man declared the real purpose of his visit- to invite him for his marriage and showed Picasso a small picture of his Fiancée. Picasso started laughing. “Is that girl so small? It will be very difficult to make love to such a small girl.” What you are saying, the soldier said. This is just a picture. Picasso said, “Now you understand. A picture is not objective. It is symbolic.
It simply represents, indicates, shows. It is not a description. It is just an indication, a hint. And so are my paintings.”
Companions, such is the nature of symbolism in Holy Royal Arch. It simply indicates, shows. There is no description, just an indication, a hint.
One of the most important symbols of Royal Arch Masonry Triple Tau – where did it come from and what does it mean?
Tau is the 19th letter of the Greek alphabet. In ancient times, it was regarded as symbol of life.
Tau is also known as St. Anthony’s cross, after the saint was martyred on a cross of that shape.
Three Taus come together to form the Triple Tau. “Templam Hicrosolyma” Temple of Jerusalem.
Christians interpreted the symbol as “Holiness Supporting Trinity”
Triple Tau is an intricate part of the companions Jewel. The Jewel incorporates the double triangle also known as the “Seat of Solomon”
Through the Triple Tau key, the five platonic solids are revealed in the Royal Arch Companions Jewel. Five Platonic solids reveals the FIVE ELEMENTS – FIRE, AIR, EARTH, and WATER AND HEAVEN.
Last month after the Southern Regions meeting at Coimbatore I went to visit the Gurukulam School of Isha foundation established by the well-known mystic Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev. Gurukulum is a residential school where children from age 5 are trained in liberal arts and sciences under spiritual environment. Blending of science with spirituality. There is a temple of Shakti Mata Bhairavi, the idol is made of huge monolithic granite bearing an elliptical shape symbolizing the goddess. Above the idol on the wall there was a symbol. In the center was the triple tau with a triangle covered by a square and a circle. The brethren accompanying me were also surprised the symbolism of Holy Royal Arch in the Bhairavi temple. Bhairavi is the name of Kali Mata or Goddess Durga.
The key word or the code word in the Holy Royal Arch Degree is I AM THAT I AM which expresses non-duality or advaita philosophy. In the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad there is a term ‘aham brahmasmi’ i.e. I am the Brahman. This is a stage when the atman and the Brahman merge and the identity is attained. This feeling of the identity of the Brahman and Atman is the most complete state of knowledge and is the climax of the process of knowledge. According to Sage Patanjali in this state of mind a man acquires super human powers. His thoughts break their bonds. His mind transcends all limitations. His consciousness expands in every direction and he finds himself in a new world, a wonderful world. Dormant faculties/forces and talents become alive and he finds himself to be an entirely different person than he ever dreamed of.
During the year in the Southern Region 4 new chapters were consecrated, 1 in Vaizag, 1 in Bangalore , 1 in Selam and 1 in Rajamundri. In the Northern Region, 2 new chapters were consecrated, both in New Delhi. The Southern Region celebrated the Golden Jubilee of Regional Grand Chapter of Southern India in December 2013 and Regional Grand Lodge of Western India celebrated its Golden Jubilee in Amarvati in September 2014. Overall a healthy growth in the Holy Royal Arch Masonry in India.
Vasudev Masurekar